May 30, 2008
the very type i want to be
Ivan 'Vern' Poh from URL @ 1:16 AM
it is 1am plus plus and i am waiting for the much anticipated camp meeting. people like jiayang is beside me. some of the people in the camp team are eating and munching on chocolates. i am just sipping my water & listen to this beautiful Coldplay single.
last night me and 3 other guys slept at 530am and woke up at 6am for the prayer meeting. it was quite cool, while they prayed i replied all my emails, after they finished, i went and do my quiet time & i read my bible. verses that have been dead in my memory resurfaced again; those that Pastor Lia always did mention when i was younger.
prayer is such a fun thing to do. i prayed last night & i hardly could finish praying all that my heart wants to pray. descriptive prayer it is & it is beautiful to envision whatever you're praying coming to past.
today is day of secondary school camp & is was wacky! we went to sentosa the entire day, we watched chronicles of narnia, evan almighty & high school musical. we had games at the alfresco and we blended funny drinks for people. it was really 'high' we will call it.
tomorrow is another great day & we are going to have foodcross! AND Pastor Tan is coming! That will be exciting as well (:
Pastors are back & that is amazing. Didn't get the chance to talk to them today in church but then i will soon...
I was just praying & God spoke so clearly to me. I prayed,"God increase the fear of God in my life. Give me the fear of God that keeps me from sin. Let Your love be the only reason why i do what i do. Let me not lead in any other light other than the holyspirit. Make me a spiritual leader." I prayed,"God increase my tent. Expand it north, south, east & west!"
As i prayed this God spoke clearly. "Lengthen the cords that hold down the tent"
Everything came into perspective once i heard that in my heart & i know jolly well what to do next.
yeah... way cool. gdnight & gdbye
May 28, 2008
hello 28/5/08
Ivan 'Vern' Poh from URL @ 5:18 PM
i saw someone blog in an interesting way! and the title went like how i did. i am just copying hahhs. if it works, well just copy! no pride man no pride (: just pragmatism and practically.
i am sitting on a massive chair & my laptop is on a as massive table. the camp team is sitting all around me running through the camp w jianming heading everything. i am here just to hang out & blog and know what's happening so i can work my magic :p we have alot of people who signed up for the camp and that is going to be fun. camp team is staying over tonight for one extra night & i wonder who dies.
lixing was at my house last night & he just came and sleep pls. i was trying my best to wake him up but then he just died like that. so in the end i was smsing and msning (: My dad forgot to buy food home for me and i was starving but my superwoman sister cooked some mee for me so that is cool.
jordan is having his rugby match today and by the looks of it i think it has ended. i hope he did score a touch down for me. if not tonight i will finish him off.
howteng is super duper uber cool. She likes it when we call her monkey so yeah go on. she has adapted 'HAHHS' into her net vocab and that is cool. That is the way man!
jordan & howteng should meet and i am so sure they will be enemies. hahhs. They will aim to OUTTALK each other. Jordan reminds me of myself man. I was so like him last time. Oh Pastors, now i understand how you feel when you spoke to me as a secondary 1 kid. I was going Jordan - 3 Pts. 1, 2 , 3. When i am at 2 he stopped me and he said he remembered 1. I was about to faint but then that is MY JORDAN! (: He is amazing.
benny is planning camp too & that is very very very amazing & amusing. i cannot imagine what goes through his mind. i hope i can spend a day in his mind and see what goes on in there.
i am like spamming people's friendster. maybe they'll think i'm crazy but crazy i am. i am just listening to what they are saying so i figured - 'LET ME GO DROP A TESTIMONIAL' hahhs so A become MANY and i didn't stop.
i feel so small around these 13 14 year olds planning the camp! They are so amazing. I need to take a step back and let them run the show. Let's lock Jian Ming up and let them run the camp. It will be cool.
Joshy is coming to camp with music i can have so that is one more thing to look forward to. I've listen to Viva la Vida & Coldplay has a new sound now!!! It is nice no doubt but we'll see and wait for the new album before i make any judgements!!! They should keep to their roots man!
Guoping! Metric is nice. Please give me the whole album!!!!!!!!!!! Drop me your number too! hahhs Combat Baby.
ARGH... i was watching Buddy Rich, Travis Barker, Carter Beaufort & i feel so pumped up to practice my drums. On this massive table, i turned on my metronome and i started hitting away. GOD INCREASE MY SKILLS!
awww crap, i better practice more. i have a great life with many great people.
TOMORROW Pastors will be back!!! Muahahahahahaaha!!!
May 27, 2008
you were an island to discover
Ivan 'Vern' Poh from URL @ 10:16 PM
'Politik' was always my favourite Coldplay song until i stumbled upon 'Warning Sign'.alright alright, it's all in 'A Rush of Blood to the Head' but you know songs don't just sound nice once. it grows on you and slowly gets under your skin & that is what happened. 'Warning Sign' is fabulous.
i just got home from the theaters. i was at lido with the saint andrews' guys & we had a great time out. yeah being with them is having guaranteed entertainment. i could go home before the movie because i had already got my share of fun. they are hilarious & very cool. so what is this 19 year old hanging out with people 4 to 5 years younger than him? ahahaha... it is against my grain but yet i love them so much. it's cool to be around your own some time, but it's cool to drop out of the box and be cooler people like those 13 14 15 years old. maybe it was how dominic, jianming and i felt loved from our Pastors that drove us to do all that now? time we believe in the younger people man because people actually did believed in us. yeah so it's that simple.
love is loving those you want to love - a beautiful, gorgeous girl or a charismatic guy, people of the same personality. but love is also loving those you don't want to love. love is stepping out of the place we're comfortable at to make someone feel that sensation. love is sacrifice; you talk to people not like you, that is a sacrifice. it's hard it's off grain and hardly kicking off. that is why love is amazing. if love is just loving those we want to love and am comfortable to love, then love is quite cheap & it's not as beautiful as we all think it is. there will be people we enjoy more but love, let's love all.
the root of men's heart are many many things man. i see people wanting world peace all the time. i giggle a little bit because I'm taught how world peace will come about and i know it's POSSIBLE but unlikely. world peace will start when there is peace in men's heart. no peace in men's heart = no peace in families = no in community = no in ........ = no in the world so love... and love & love. and for goodness sake don't think romantic love. love is not romantic love. that's just one of them. Love is so much bigger. Love is Love. Love knows all.
The Bible says 1 Cor 13:4 "love is kind & patient, never jealous, boastful, proud or rude. Love isn't selfish or quick tempered. It doesn't keep a record of wrongs that others do. Love rejoices in the truth, but not in evil. Love is always supportive, loyal, hopeful, and trusting. Love never fails!"
i've met people who get good-looking partners as ego-boosters. that is not love. i've met people who hold grudges, well that's normal, but their expectations of the other person taints because of all these grudges. maybe they higher their expectation, they feel they deserve more attention? stuff like that. that is not love.
in order to love i think we need to know the Creator of Love. the best person to ask about a Mac Book is Steve Jobs. Same principle applies. Get to know the Creator of Love. In fact He is Love Himself. we must feel His Love before we will know how to love correctly. Our standard of love is far too off His kind of love.
Get to know your Creator. Then that's when you will know how you function, why you were here, why you will end in life's race. Know your Creator -> you will then Know your Identity -> that's when you will Know your Destiny
My confidence issue my insecurity issues hahhs... they are gone because i know my identity now. if a handphone knows jolly well it is a handphone, he will not feel bad if people compares it to a hammer. go use a handphone as a hammer and you get a beaten messed up object.
the true potential of a handphone is forfeited if it is used as a hammer or even a calculator. same for all of you (: YOU MUST KNOW YOUR TRUE POTENTIAL. GET TO KNOW YOUR CREATOR.
Aww... i am still thinking about what happened today. it is so funny. Jordan went into the toilet & screamed - "I can't see myself in the mirror" We caught Indiana Jones, it is a good show very cool but i didn't enjoy it. didn't like it at all (: If you enjoyed it, tell me why & help me with it... i'm no indiana fan and i knew nuts about it before i watched it.
Jordan was super funny - "for the whole show ah... i didn't even hear the word 'Indiana'" Aww crap... that is funny.
We were eating and He said, "i'm going to have satay beehoon." "That looks quite nice you know..." i said He finished me off in laughter, "satay bee hoon is my favourite! i only ate it ONCE." ahahaha no sense buddy. Why then your favourite?
i heard a caucasian complaining about Indiana Jones saying how it's not nice and the original was so much nicer. She said it was messed up & she was really quite angry and her kid was like "cool down mum~~~"
yeah we didn't enjoy indiana jones. I DIDN'T ENJOY INDIANA JONES. I just got one thing out of that - the word treasure doesn't mean money. it means knowledge. knowledge is treasure & crap i agree!!!!
well, the best part of the movie was... MY POPCORN. :p one big tub of them, way cool.
gdnight & gdbye
May 26, 2008
i sit here in an empty room
Ivan 'Vern' Poh from URL @ 11:57 PM
my room is empty... yup for once in the last few days. everyone was here and everyone was out of here. elgin went out to plan his schedule for the week & he has left the tv with roland garros on LIVE. it's some noobs playing now so i guess he didn't really care.
i got home not long ago after a long day out. yeah many people had a long day out :p just settled so much stuff, missed soccer today but i'll be playing next tuesday at The Cage so that's cool. Tomorrow i'll be in town for Indiana Jones or maybe another movie. We'll see and decide when we hit town.
just talking to so many people on msn now. one of them is guoping. seen him around, got to know him a little but never knew how nice he was until today. same for a couple of others. when i was in church just now, i was using chew ting's computer to talk to lydia & lydia you are quite funny. if i were you, i won't put myself on screen man without seeing the other person on mine! that is so risky & the whole world saw you dancing! hahhs NO... she didn't, she was just laughing away & we were as well but a little different, we laughed at her. Rock on Lydia, you're cool - sunday it was my turn to own in pepsicola. so join us again and we'll go head to head.
oh man... guo ping loves indie music too. i have just found myself a friend. indie music anyone? babyshambles? the decemberist? artic monkeys? eisley? feist? whatever??? hahhs let's share some music man my friend just gave me a comment on facebook - "you listened to the new death cab album yet?" hahhs I HAVEN'T and i'm really waiting for him to give it to me. ah crap... music lovers have something going on.. especially indie lovers.
with God, with Pastors, with whatever i do, with whoever i know, with him, with her, with you, with MUSIC how can life be unexciting? i can't believe how i used to emo so must as a kid back then, awww my gosh... that was so.. last century? guys... let's get some new updated junk alright?
i love meeting people. do you? hahhs
tomorrow my room will be occupied by lixing. i got an sms from him saying "is it alright i stay over at your house tomorrow night? haha" sure no problem. and my house is a turning into a motel. first class bell boy here people. anyone???
i may need to charge for stays now man.. let's see
okay, let me go get changed and bathe and get offline and do what i need to do. i'm still waiting for my song to finished transferring on msn. guoping is introducing me to metric so that's nice. hahhs if he has good stuff, he'll die... i will rob all of them.
i see jorine alot nowadays around in church. saturday, sunday & just now. hahhs i knew her for a long time already man but yeah just really had a formal introduction today over friendster... or was it facebook? ahhh whatever, as long as there are all people.
alright get yourself some new updated junkie (: i NEED to go offline now... my body is telling me to move off my seat, take 100 steps and bathe.
gdnight & gdbye & gd new junk
2 damiens & 2 jennas
Ivan 'Vern' Poh from URL @ 1:08 AM
i've a couple of jokers at my place tonight & they are staying over. it is crazy they are already doing crap & they have not all bathed yet. so yeah, it is disgusting but then really funny. jordan is desperately trying to get onto our nerves but you know we are so cool we hardly get angry. well, ernie wrestle him and he gave up, now he is going to bathe... finally.e when all these happened, benny was no where to be found. he was bathing & a small guy like him took the longest to bathe. oh my gosh...
jordan asked me plenty of straight questions over supper just now. we ate like babarians anyway. i hear slurpping from eating noodles... so yeah you could imagine us. ahh. jordan is super funny man. leona is the joker. sean is somewhere near my place & he's coming up i supposed overhearing ern on the phone with him.
i have no idea how we are going to sleep but we will, some how, at least we will fall asleep & find our place. yeah that always happens.
today's concert was awesome. after that we pretty much went and did the same things like hanging out at marina, suntec & esplanade. we did the same old thing & the same was fun! it's quite cool & we're totally exhausted as soon as we get home.
camp is up next & i am thrilled. we'll see how things go on thursday man & i'll work my magic during the nights. it will pretty much be very very pretty exciting. ahaha.. we'll have plenty of pictures & i'll look to put them all up all here.
i love my life i love my life i love my life. i love the guitar i play. i love the drums i play. i love whatever i do, i loved planning the concert with the rest, i love building the church with my Pastors. i love everybit about my life muahahaha! narcissistic? nah... just in love with God in me.
hahhs was in the toilet today & i thought of Pastors so i smsed them! can't for them to come back. i don't know why i miss them so much too man... just feel different nowadays. like a liberty & a river coming through me. we'll see to it when they come back!!! i am excited & counting down to their return! muahaha
i am a power ranger fan and jordan and benny are playing with my megazord. crap man - but they look funny. they played for the past hour so that's quite amusing.
hahhs! i guess that's it. i want to die already... my eyes are closing on me but i think those people will wake me up and keep me up throughout the night. hope you guys enjoyed yourself during the concert.
in the mean time, pls do add me as your friend on friendster or facebook. i'm more at facebook than friendster. but more is quite less. but yeah i will check... my email - that's my msn too. so yeah.
rock hard and i'm out for now. gonna beat up jordan now. hahahahhaha wrestle him until he gives up. gdnight & gdbye see you soon & at the camp if not somehow i will
May 25, 2008
a place high above the desert plains
Ivan 'Vern' Poh from URL @ 12:57 AM
i just got home & i am happy about today. today was exciting, today was different, it was sweet getting to know different people & just talking to them.
red rain concert was amazing. well it'll be better tomorrow! (: it was one hard rocking 3 hrs & i bet all the people loved it. well the best part was the slow songs, the sharing, the stories & the getting to know the people.
i am extremely excited about the upcoming secondary schools camp. i will be there and many other people will be there. we are going to sentosa for one of the events, we are having 4 meals a day, we are slacking plenty, we will jam the toilets when it's shower time. It is going to be mayhem & it is going to be fun!!! i see you there. i think life & holidays will NOT not be same if we don't do something DIFFERENT. if you want something you have never had before, logically, you have to do something that you have never done before. 1 concert & right up next 1 camp. it may be crazy you know but do something you have never done before right? ahaha
and also, once life is not crazy then you are consumed by life. life was created for us to live, some manipulate it in all the wrong ways, some live it to the fullest. I want to be on top of my life. I want to control life's components. For example - Emotions don't control me, i control them. It will be so so so so sad if we forfeit our right to live life to the fullest right? So come on, JUST DO IT. Talk to your friend that brought you to Red Rain Concert & SIGN UP now! I WANT TO SEE YOU THERE (:
see, that song - where the streets have no name is originally done by U2. Perhaps the most most influential band around nowadays. You can check them out on wikipedia, or google it or something. The members actually got saved during the Jesus movement in the 1970s. Yes i think it was the 1970s :p All of them are christians & though they make secular music they are amazing christians (: Where the streets have no name - speaks about a place called HEAVEN (: Pride - in the name of Love -> speaking about Jesus Vertigo - a place of liberty -> found in Jesus Yahweh -> how obvious can it get. It's God's name in the Bible City of Blinding Lights -> talks about christians, churches being the lifeline in the society for people like you and me Crumbs from your table -> amazing song, speaks of hunger to know more about God
It is just so amazing. Go check out U2. I love them & they are one of my favourite bands!
alright that's all for now. i miss my Pastors dearly. But it's alright you know, they smsed back home so it's good. can't wait to have them back.
so that's pretty much it for now... attack life. live it to the fullest & you only can do it with Jesus in your life. don't be on the defense against life all the time. be active, attack it, live it, make it what you want it to be. i love my life dearly.
gdnight & gdbye hope you enjoyed your time with us
May 24, 2008
345am; hours before red rain & countingneed to
Ivan 'Vern' Poh from URL @ 3:35 AM
the extra minute i type this the lesser minute towards red rain concert. today we had run through & it was exciting. i just cannot wait to see the lights tomorrow. melvin better do it well!
i had a wonderful discipleship class today. had a good talk with jordan too. had one nice meeting with some of the leaders. red rain prayer meeting was good. run through was fun with alot of crap...
that was about all.
i'm watching spiderman on HBO. spidey said something quite cool - "sometimes you to do what is right & that means giving up what you want.. even your dreams" well said spidey but your fictional. hahhs
but then nice one whoever made spidey say that. doing what is right is everything that matters.
May 23, 2008
my heart burns for You
Ivan 'Vern' Poh from URL @ 2:28 AM
today i saw 2 people that totally attracted me. i felt like i needed to talk to them. i felt like having them beside me the whole time. there is something in their eyes & i can identify with that 'thing'. it is a flame that is so beautiful, burning but not consuming.
see when people are down and out and faithless, they become repulsive. somehow, people around them get away like the repulsion of 2 similiar magnet points. so that's about that there must be a flame inside of you that draws people to you.
favor with God & you will have that which leads you to have favor with men. no doubt all these people spend loads of time in the presence of God, loving Him, praying. It is beautiful. i want these people around me because they lift me up, they empower me, they speak faith, they are not normal, they are crazy and they are everything my attention will give.
i am so in love with the song 'history maker'. we are history makers. i believe it & i'm living for it.
i feel i have grown so much as a person & a leader. it is pretty amazing. faith, success & confidence. i feel i live it, breathe it and am everything about it :p NO... not there yet... soon (: but i love that floating sensation inside my heart. there is something being pregnated in there somewhere and the the fire of my loins; my spirit. i love how this thing goes... i love it.
my heart burns for You, my heart burns for You. i pray you keep my burning. the moment i stop burning is that moment i know i am running out of gas. Lord, cut me down into pieces, cut me down to size, open up my spiritual eyes, let me see things i've never seen before. Hang me out to dry so that Your process is complete in my life man... test your Word in mine, in my life. i pray that it'll all be alright. i pray your Word would be true IN MY LIFE.
yeah... so that God you'll be glorified. above all, you be glorified. i am so passionately in love with my God.
all that i want God, give to me!!! yes all that IIIIIIII want. nor selfish desires or self centeredness but a knowing that I am yours and You are mine. Give me what I want (: because I am yours and You are mine. I shall have what I want.
Prayer is claiming what You want. So why so pious you can't mention I. Aha
my heart burns for You
goodnight now
May 22, 2008
plenty of surprises
Ivan 'Vern' Poh from URL @ 12:03 PM
plenty of surprises as i signed in my facebook & friendster accounts. ahhs i am staring at somethings that just did throw me off my chair. daniel is laughing hard but he's gone now while i'm here wondering why what happened happened. it is pretty amusing; people they are quite a species. i am quite interesting as well :)
so yeah i'm sitting here with Red Rain jamming away & doing their soundcheck right behind me. oh and coincidentally they are playing 'where the streets have no name' for soundcheck now. it is brillianTTT.
i never really got deep into dreamland last night because it was just 3 hours. by the time i got to the gate of fantasy it was already 2.5 hrs down so yeah. i woke up quite abruptly - 845am it says and i'm gone preparing for drum lessons at 10am dhoby. it was quite a funny drum lesson, anthony was in buoyant mood. maybe it was because Man Utd won earlier that morning but man i am sad. chelsea didn't deserve to lose & they struck the post twice so it's really saddening.
during extra time i turned to jian ming & told him that if we were going into the penalties, CR will miss & yeah HE DID. John Terry missed too and i don't know what to say about that. You'll be quite down and out when your inspirational captain loses the plot too so argh!
alright, better news for me - i'm just waiting for a confirmation that Arsenal has signed Samir Nasri. so plenty of surprises for us Arsenal Fans.
I am so sleepy! hahhs but tonight will be great... i'll be staying over in church with a couple of the other people & we'll be working the lights out. yeah, that's great!
going home yesterday was cool. Shadows almighty were really funny & i enjoyed everybit of travelling with those people. Shadows united.
oh and i've prayed and prayed and prayed so much recently. i know exactly what i want of my zone my cg my leaders. i know exactly what i want of every single thing. Hahhs. there is so much to pray for because you go into details, into description & that is why prayer cannot be boring. it is so descriptive.
i have faith like i had when i was 14. i feel that same feeling burning inside of me. something must have happened somewhere, somehow & for some reasons why.
i'm so passionately in love with everything i do & Jesus whom i serve. we just have to grasp the bigness of Jesus in our hearts and it will be amazing. He is so big, miracles are too small. He is of no boundaries & GAUGE. I love that. We have gauge, numeric gauge, volume of output, etc. He is bigger than that. So what to us is faith, and stretching is normal to Him. He recognizes our faith but all that we have faith for is not what He needs to have faith for. It's well in His ability to give them to us.
He is able and He is massive. So big that i always limit Him. I feel so bad. hahhs i must start thinking supernatural, crazy, unnatural, 1st class, out of the box because He's no God in a box.
Congrats Man Utd fans (:
May 21, 2008
all but done
Ivan 'Vern' Poh from URL @ 12:01 AM
many things can be described as all but done! it is quite irritating but fun to be that situation. for example faith is all but done.
alright man, i bet there are many people like myself who thought that the champs final is later 230am Wednesday! i mean if we didn't find out i tell you will all be waiting aimless until 230am with chips and cola and anti climax when Simpsons play instead.
thursday 230am muahaha i don't know why but i am so excited. pardon me i am a soccer fan and i love it so much. i've been so excited about the summer's signings and just looking at arsenal blog to get updates about my dearest club. they say that Samir Nasri's move to arsenal is all but done. Even The Guardian says so, so it's quite true. But being an arsenal fan you must wait until the gaffer says it. He's like coldplay, no one gets angry being excited and kill joy all over and over again.
i am excited. Samir Nasri! Oh my gosh... they label him the 'NEW ZIDANE'! Just like Zidane he isn't pure french. He does everything like Zidane i read! Drops shoulder and run like Zidane... oh man, i miss that so much about Zidane. Well come to Arsenal! we love you here.
The media is quite rotten. They seem to trash up all the good images of arsenal players. Like adebayor wanting to leave. Like Hleb wanting to leave beacuse he hates city life! That is so unprofessional & to think of it, no soccer player would say that what!
Flamini, i miss you but yeah all the best at Milan! Crap they are not playing Champs League football eh! But we still miss you.
So Nasri should come. Hatem Ben Arfa??? Hmmm... if he comes good then i'm okay. Mario Gomez... HOT! Clinical like crap man. And we need a defender. Miguel Veloso, Kompany. We'll see... i just felt like talking about my beloved football club.
It's so complicating. Now barcelona wants to buy Arsenal's Hleb and Adebayor. I'm alright man. I like them both! hahhs
Come on Samir Nasri!!!!!!
Hahhs i just remembered many of my good friends support Man Utd. Ahahhs. Good luck for the Final (:
For now and ever more i am an Arsenal Fan. Win or don't win (: Loyalty is everything.
I am loyal to those around me, bad or good. hahhs!
There seem to be no time to play soccer in June. We'll see how man. Too busy already! I don't think can have D and C Zone. We'll see though.
But for now, i'm looking at the headlines. SAMIR NASRI!!!!
May 20, 2008
hey jude where's the law
Ivan 'Vern' Poh from URL @ 12:40 AM
ah huh... we nailed it!!! red rain is in 5 days time and we ain't no going to have no excitement! check out the submergent during red rain. it is the best feeling on planet earth. and don't be crap to miss that (:
recent i have been operating on a cranky brain. somehow i do too much crazy stuff. oh no... i think too much crazy stuff. out of this world. but yet this is the period of time i feel so so spiritual. ah nah... ah god... ah whatever and whyever and why so. i'm just kidding i'm perfectly normal & i am an active exploding uranium inside me. this week is going to be awesome.
alright now... i had a rest rest rest rest day. there was nothing much to do. i woke up & i prayed for my Pastors and then i rested! i did what i love most to do - read my soccer news. i went to buy new boots because adidas cracked after 4 years. then i ate this super duper nice dumpling soup. oh and grandma visited us today & bought more food so yeah it was a food and rest day.
b2 was supposed to come to my house to have Jay Chou movie marathon but some things happened that was absolutely hilarious. i am going to deal with it soon. hahhs & no hahhs! hahhs Plus... i met leonard at mcs and had a great talk with him.
with so much food & rest, no wonder i was dying when i went to play basketball! i felt like & infact i was a headless chicken running about the court.
i am excited about red rain plus many things because there is so so much to be excited about. i am excited about stories that Pastors will tell when they are back. Excited about my family, my dream, my wednesday dinner. Excited about the music i listen too. Excited about who barcelona will buy & so too who arsenal will sign in the next couple of weeks. Mr. Wenger said we'll have 2 or 3 signings and the first in 1 or 2 weeks now. Surprise me Senor Wenger! Ahahhs. Barcelona is clearing out the squad! All the stars are leaving! hahhs... all their stars pon training sia... Good good all should go and die now! Laporta & Guardiola will put discipline in. Tsk...
so here i am anticipating who arsenal & barcelona will sign & haven't even watch my 'Secret' yet. but then many good things happened today & they are so so so so good.
i just want to say a couple of things... 1) Take the focus off ourselves & put it on God Anyway i wasn't doing much of pushing for Red Rain for F2 because: - they are a dream team - we have telepatic understanding - we have such a oneness about us - we just know how to catch the wave - we just know how to fit into the picture
sunday i got an update for the first time.. actually i didn't. Joanne came and tell me. as of sunday we have 121 new friends confirmed for red rain already. ahahahahaha... that is amazing & we are going to hit 200 during Red Rain.
God is good. I did nothing but pray and encourage. It was really just encourage. Don't expect anything more! hahhs... Then i prayed like mad.
2) I believe for a spiritual wave where alot of leaders will rise up suddenly. i think if i don't think it it will never happen so i guess i will think it and pray it. as a matter of fact, there are some already so we are seeing how things go. throughout the church! there will be!
3) d1 & f2 are good friends. hahhs i was thinking about my cg and how i can make it first class. i mean association to f2 is something honorable. i think we have it now. people are proud to be in f2. we are amazing :p but let's make it more powerful... and i thought and thought and i started thinking about myself.
i am so not a person who 'chiong'. i never will go sentosa, i will not go wild wild wet, i will not go escape, i will not go hiking, don't ask me to bukit timah reserves or the nature park. i will not go to the zoo nor will i even sit by the singapore river and have activities there. woah... that is so hard and my absolute nightmare.
i started thinking... f2 has nothing really exciting about it but then pretty very exciting. So i concluded got alot of substance :p hahahahhahahahahahha but to make it first class cg, it must be so hospitable, so genuine, so class, so real, so amazing. and i know what to do now. let's see f2 6 months from now.
i'm learning from d1 to do that and do this. it is actually quite cool. i think joanne is a great assistant to have. she always say things that i never think off and it rings and rings in my mind. we are such a team la. she doesn't even know how much she affects her leader her hahaha she comes to me all the time filled with excitement and telling me many exciting things and all her endeavours, quest, achievements & want-to-dos. i really really am very excited man... but then i just cannot identify with that "I AM GOING TO SINGAPORE FLYER!" To me, singapore flyer is singapore flyer. i am not going to fly there. i am going to be on a ferris wheel on marina bay, chilling out with love ones, taking a breather. i kind of like to attack life with the soft approach ah! So we are so different and she forces me to be all that i am not.
so i need to be what i am not and learn to be if not we will not be first class. let's have some activities soon. dear home & music i am going to miss you. :p kidding.
let's just do this huh. not very hard what... i don't want to limit God's act with one stupid vocab called HARD. Charleston & Dominic hahhs. Dom is so 'chiong'. Let me get both & balance the art.
4) there are many things we should have said better i think what we say ultimately determines how much God will work in our situation. if i say hard, then i limit my being to revolving around whatever then i think is not hard. God is the same powerful but then i crap up His plans.
so i'm making it an effort to exalt God to the right place because He really deserves to man. actually, human vocabulary is limit. our mind is limit. God cannot be described in a few words by a few people. He is that big and we are that small.
so i'm just thinking, God's move in lives cannot be just limited into some integration plans whatsoever. nah too small. we have room for that practically but then just have to engage God the way He wants us to engage Him. Faith & only Faith. So yeah... have faith.
F2 hit 200. It is done in my spirit. Just time to take it's cause!
lastly, say you are great. tell yourself how goodlooking you are. tell yourself how brilliant you are. not in a narcissistic way but in faith. you cannot help it la... words is the gauge of our faith the vocabulary of our faith. what comes out of our mouths reflects our inside.
May 19, 2008
my night my heroes
Ivan 'Vern' Poh from URL @ 1:25 AM
Today Pastor How preached such a powerful word. It just has been provoking thoughts inside of my shell for this entire day & i hardly did put anybit of it down. I'm not able too but instead i think God just wanted me to feel the truth of all that Pastor How shared in action. I've just seen so many things today. Actually little but many because somehow i had heighten sensivitity & sharpness. I was quite shocked with myself too, somethings people said still stayed in my mind up till now and it is amazing how when i examine them as i read my Bible, God just began to drop hints here and there. I do not fully understand it yet but then i am & will still dig deep into the Word.
I just need to sidetrack a little bit because i am so in awe of my Pastor! He waited for that day for 12 years and that is just so amazing to see my Pastor's heart of hearts. It has been such a privilege running with him, serving him & building the church with him and today my Pastor amazed me once again! He is such a man & i love him so so much.
This very moment i remembered that one faithful day i smsed Pastor as i was walking home and i remembered i was just thinking about Pastor How & i felt so strongly in my heart that i want to serve Him and Pastor Lia for the rest of my life. I remembered it's more than just a love, in my heart the word allegiance just kept ringing. It must have the Holy Spirit. I love them so so much & i am loyal to them and to their cause.
They are my heroes & i love them with every ounce of my being. I am loyal to them & to their cause.
I can't go back to what i want to say now... Just that yeah, what you don't say speaks louder than what you say! And what you say speaks alot about the mass of your heart.
Hahhs. I pray i be all that i want people to be (: Amen & Amen.
And YAH! Glory to God was awesome today. It is just one of those songs.
Just smsed Jordan. Told him how much fun i had last night. We have to last the race. And this guy is amazing. He is gaining my respect more & more daily. He may be of small stature but he shows me bit by bit the giant inside of him. He's big hearted and he's pure, innocent. He has a heart for people.
Many look at someone like Jordan and i think you will write him off from being your leader. Leadership is unique. Anyway can be a leader of any sort. Jordan just has his qualities & there's something about him and leona that wants to hang around Dominic & myself.
The bible says - counsel in the heart of man is like deep water, But a man of understanding will draw it out. (Prov 20:5)
And in Jordan and Leona i find 2 young man of understanding.
We had our 'OLD' Jordan and Leona that have since left us. Having our 1st Zone F svc in the auditorium was amazing. Normal because christianity is normal. Very much about the mundane. Not hype not moments.
I pray these 'NEW' Jordan and Leona will finish the race (:
May 18, 2008
a really massive one
Ivan 'Vern' Poh from URL @ 2:47 AM

alright... this is us doing what we always do. it ain't so bright back here. sean's cam has flash so yeah know. that's elgin, jordan, sean, ernest, leona & me below. get ready for a massive post.
i dun know wat to say one WORD ......AMEN - Leona
I am being kidnapped ! -JORDAN !!!
Hi here the mass spam u guys waiting for, but haha, i am here to ask for ransom of 1m to exchange for JORDAN!!!!!!!!! or else i am afriad that he won't see the next daylight!!!! - Elgin
Ahaha... Your truly the most favourite indian here. Im supposed to be crapping here but nah, I feel AWESOME being with the zone F ppl ahaha.. Its just awesome to be here, with the younger generation and hanging out with em. Knowing that you are making a difference in their lifes by all the time we fellowship and fooling around. We're all boys here, we wrestle, talk racist jokes, watch movies together and things that u would like to do with a bigger boys group. We're all a big family yo. Ahaha you'll never know we would even find a new rising drummer in the midst of us!!!! ahahah.. its gonna be awesome!!! The Next Generation yo! -eRn ps - I Love this pic. CANT SEE ANY PIMPLES!!! AHAHA
HELLO! Beautiful indian here.. I'm the lost policeman who found ivan's house while supposedly finding mr mas. Really fun in here man and you've not been to a more racially charged atmospehere and we're listening to the muttons at midnight and its the bomb man! All the you so fat and you so poor jokes. Here's one: You so fat that when your arm broke, cream of mushroom came out! Okay I don't know if it sounds funny when you read it but it really gets us into spasms of laughter. Maybe its just us... Okay my stomach's really gonna burst into cream of chicken soon so i better sign off fast less i get mistaken for some shadow using ivan's laptop... Have fun all you guys reading this post! Think it'll blow all you guys away. :) Gotta love nights at ivan's, Sahai
Alright now... it is finally my turn on the computer. We are doing many stuff even at this time. Music is playing, we are lying around, we are laughing hard. We have Mr Brown and Muttons at Midnight playing again and again. We can remember the whole entire 'SUPERMAN' that muttons sang. That is so powerful.
We also have a command center here. one laptop on the table 3 on the floor. It is a high tech stay over.
We reached home and feasted. we had ramen, mee goreng, hokkien mee, murtabak & that blue color bottled milk tea.
It is amazing. We feasted and we took super long to bathe because we wrestled each other. Ernest faced off with Leona and Jordan in a towel battle. Ernest basically smacked them up and KO-ed Jordan. It is super funny.
We are having lots of fun... This is a little bit crazy. We joked so much... it is super duper funny. i can't tell you the jokes because you know... hahhs but it is super funny.
Jordan is cool. Leona is very lame. Ernest is shadow. Sean is showing us podcast. Elgin is resting his eyes - come on you will sleep soon. And i'm ending off this very long post.
So good night... we are NOT about to die. Jordan just gave his maiden speech, "i knock out already". Quite cool huh.
Rock hard and we miss you over everywhere. I just got 2 smses over 2 days from people to ask if they can come to my house. Oh my goodness....
May 16, 2008
Glory to God in the Highest
Ivan 'Vern' Poh from URL @ 12:46 AM
perhaps & actually was the song of the season sometime back the coolest thing is that we're doing it soon man - resonance are doing it so it's way cool that 'glory to God' is a powerful song & i so think paradise live is a good music source too. budding music team i guess but i'm too much a novice to even predict. hahhs.
today was cool. i had lessons with anthony and he was down with fever but still continued lessons with me. too bad he cancelled on ernest! anthony actually has a heart because he told me my lesson was at 10am so cannot cancel because i would already be out already. we had a great lesson and i'm looking to learn more from that guy. beckerly grad eh. don't pray pray.
i spent time settling attendance and all. had 2 cgs today & a follow up that was pretty exciting. i did follow up in chinese and that is super duper hard. but i'm quite fluent in my chinese one eh! since young but just that when i needed it most in church it refuses to come out. nadine is getting a chinese-english bible for me & i'm going to know my scriptures in chinese so that the china people will benefit from follow up even more. this is so hard. indie to chindie? hahhs ah crap.
got home today and had alot of food. prawn cake at the night market. halal and just different from your chinese version. ramli burger. got back home and had tofu and 'you tiao' with sotong. it's quite fulfilling.
watched mike portnoy's drum video and learnt loads. it's actually quite easy eh. i don't think it's too hard to do anything :p it's all about the mind :p
alright now and i watched THE CONTENDER. to think about it, i used to have a dream of taking that fighting out when i was a childish little boy. quite cool huh. but quite dumb now.
well i have a recurring question inside my heart for the longest time. is it that hard? erm... to give glory to God? to think that we're not so good after all. that we are actually just us and a different class compared to angels and God. to run after God and God only? i don't know how to put it...
Maybe it's the place God has in your life. we all pretty much say number 1 but what really is number 1. aha.. He reign over all and sometimes even our most intimate actions demean Him of His true place. That's our God too high and big even to be described by words. even so our mouths.
He is that glorious and that big. That is the kind of God i serve man and to me there is no problem to give Him glory. Sometimes i find that i can be so so confident that i hardly think i will fail. To be confident in myself is dumb because i'm just myself, fallen, without potential. It was God that breathed into me and gave me a new potential. I know i serve a huge God so i just pretty much do all i can do in my ability. And it will not fail because i - do all i can in my ability. Since i meet that criteria, if i still fail then what's the point then?
Then having God inside of me doesn't make a difference. I try and i try to be all i can be so that things work out and God is glorified. GOD WILL SURELY BE GLORIFIED EVEN IF SOMETIMES MAN TAKES AWAY THAT CREDIT. For goodness sake he is God. He gave you that very ability to choose to take away that credit. What else can't He do.
So maybe that's why i think i'm good :p hahhs! hahhs! hahhs!
but really! why ain't you good? why ain't you treasured, amazing, beautiful, pretty, good-looking, able, capable? just do what you can & know how lowly you are. hahaha i'm just pretty much a northbrooks guy like the rest. destined for crap. no discipline, no dream just one freaky thing called basketball that haunted me daily. SO SMALL.
when you enter the holy place. there should be no other light other than the light from the candle lampstand. that 7 light that 7 spirits. so why is it so hard to give God glory? hahhs. actually the more successful you get, the harder it is. but the more you do it, the better it gets.
give Him glory & glory really comes all around you. we should just be abit simpler. sometimes thoughts should be ignored. ultimately, what you don't say speak louder then what you say.
"i know You gave the World Your only Son for us to know Your Name, to live withing the Saviour's Love, You took my place, knowing You're be crucified, You loved, You loved a people undeserving" - To Know Your Name
Beautiful Song Just so simple in expression.
May 14, 2008
there are so many things i cannot do without you
Ivan 'Vern' Poh from URL @ 2:12 AM
i know i can do what i see others do. i pretty much conclude it is because they have theirs and i don't have mine. hey... i really need you even more & i need you so much closer. we've been like islands apart and the water between us seem so massive. i need to reach for you because with you i can do it all.
you are one beautiful thing and i cannot be without you. i imagine myself do many things but then it all pretty impossible if you're not with me. i'm limited as much the more you're not in my life. there is just so many things i cannot do without you.
i work so hard and i practice my hearts out every night. i practice like crap and crap i will practice.
i really need to have you daily within my reach. i need you my electronic kit
Dear Jesus... i pray for an electronic kit. I'm pretty frustrated that i cannot try what i want to try and do what i want to do PURELY because i don't have a kit. Yucks... it's like i can't grow the team PURELY because i don't have a team hahhs. Give me a kit!!!!!! Amen...
May 13, 2008
nobody said it was easy
Ivan 'Vern' Poh from URL @ 2:13 AM
where there is faith there is no fear. where there is fear there is no faith logically saying.
fear is unreal and researchers have said that only 15% of that fear that we feel has grounds, is logical, has a possibility. the rest 75% is pure fantasy + morbit and that gives you the word fear. fear is actually fantasy.
so very well, faith and fear belong together in the 4th dimension, same dimension according to Pst Cho (: so to think of it that way, faith is unreal. as much as fear is illogical, weren't you taught that faith is illogical too? is fear is unreal, that makes faith unreal too. they are the same emotion but 2 different extremes. we just need assurance so sometimes fear comes, sometimes faith comes. we are people thinking of the future all the time so inevitably we need to play the fear-faith game
alright now, since less than half of what you fear is true. it is also true that less of half you have faith for it true.
true = reality. the more you fear the more fantasy becomes reality. the more you have faith, the more fantasy becomes reality too. same emotional, same fantasy but different extreme.
so to fear will only make you fear more & to have faith will only make you have more faith. fear & faith is mutually exclusive. they are 2 extremes and you can only have 1 fantasy in your heart. where there is faith there is no fear. there is not such a thing as i have faith and fear. but there is such a thing as to say i have faith in this area but fear in that area. one area cannot be shared by both faith or fear.
so the game is this; that we have faith more and more in more and more areas in our lives. eliminate fear more and more from our lives.
so when someone say - i dream i can be a cgl. logically it is not true (reality), but there is possibility. you can become one IF you do this and that; this is that possibility. so the rest of the 75% fantasy is the real test. where pragmatism cannot save, having a lot of skills training cannot save.
75% impossibility is only tested possible when you confront the impossibilities. that is how and when we JUST DO IT, do something we have never done before and get something that we have never had before. that something we never had is a small percentage of that 75% default impossibility.
so we all lead a life full of impossibilities by default because there is such a thing called FUTURE. who knows what will happen in the future? no right? that's why in that thought, it is impossible. so life to me, is making the impossible possible.
that is why we breakthrough, learn, grow and make that 75% go down to 70 to 50 to 0. so this is it, nobody ever said it was easy. to be a cgl? easy? no. to be a great man & woman of God? easy? no.
i tell you no. because that belongs to that 75% impossibility realm. there is a price to pay. radical? sacrifice? do what it takes to make that 75% possible.
like adidas, they say "impossible is nothing" i really agree because to me what we never go through, try, learn, be confronted to change, blah blah is in essence impossible because we have never had those things cross our minds.
so what am i saying? it is not easy. but i think it is very possible. just if you do count the cost, pay the price, not even keep the loose change. yeah exercise wisdom, manage time, engage more, focus, discipline. but then, only with the moral standard of radicalism. if not your wisdom, management, engagement, focus & discipline is groundless, not based on anything.
what is wise? if you don't know what is right or wrong in the first place? only when you have some premade decisions, radical convictions inside of you then will you be 'eligible' to exercise wisdom.
it's very simple. it's like how do you know murder is wrong? because people say it? but if you murdered someone, you know it's wrong right? so yeah, God actually place inside of us, a capacity to compile convictions, premade decisions - that is the conscience.
we only know murder is wrong if we already have some sort of idea what then is right. so same thing applies here.
so how will it be all possible? you first need to have some idea that it is actually possible and that it can actually be impossible. also an idea of what possible is, a picture of that possibility. then you do whatever it takes to make that picture of possibility in your mind come to past.
so nobody said it was easy. but serving God is my privilege. to be called a servant of God is my honor. To give up many things and serve God is the best decision i've made in my entire life (: i already have an idea and picture of what possibility is. daily i dream that possibility and i intend to make that possibility come to past.
i am die hard radical! AHAHA
see then, when i do... that at the end of the day, my God is glorified. you do all this, because you want to glorify God. i don't know of anyone going very far without that intention to just purely glorify God.
yeah so you know (: He reign. He actually does!
for goodness sake, he is God and you and me what? man. so learn to balance it out and chill a little bit. so let man do what man should do and can do and let God do what God do. God will be glorified one la! hahhs
i am someone who wants everything in my grasp, in my radar and i cannot take it if it's not. but sometimes i learn that i mere man so do what mere man do and don't try to act like a punk god or something.
argh.. there is possibility. i see f zone fill the auditorium. i see it. i see it. this is rhema.
May 11, 2008
for many things unknown
Ivan 'Vern' Poh from URL @ 11:46 PM
i'm excited about many things unknown. i just have this feeling of excitement all over me. perhaps it's because red rain is coming up or maybe because zone f 1st service is coming. awww God... this is so terrible because you feel really hyped up every moment in time. i cannot seem to calm my heart down.
alright to add to that today we had a wonderful wonderful zone f service. it was awesome and brilliant and the presence of God was there. when we hit the stories the presence of God came like the room filling up with water. we were submerged and swimming in the anointing and presence of God. lynette cried and when i looked at her, i cannot help it but tear too.
there is just so many things going through my mind over the past week as i prepared the sermon. but today just placed everything into perspective. as i preached, i myself felt better and ministered (:
people left and i wonder how they could turn away like that. as i shared about all my friends and peers - wendy neo, roy, daniel, lynette, samantha & jian ming, part of me felt so happy that i grew up with a bunch of radical people but then the other part of me missed those who fell out of the race.
we were so radical we were so radical. and Lord i just pray that this generation not just in zone f but in the youth as well, the first 1000 would be radical like the first batch of us in henderson.
Jian Ming... man... his story revolves around the needs of the church. he was a sound man because we needed a sound man. he was the 1st percussionist because we needed one. he played the bass because there was no youth bassist. he became the head usher because we needed one.
I just want to start going on and talk about all my friends in church. We've seen each other high and low over the years but today was beautiful. We at 18 19 20 are already leading a life so fulfilling. So busy... so set.
Our career path... our destiny and vision... our future families... every bit of us says heart of God church. we have success we have a relatively good life. maybe i don't know admired by some people.
and all because we were sacrificial, radical, we caught the burden and we were desperate before God. hahhs (:
i so respect all my friends. well done my friends and we are here today still together. we will be for the rest of our lives.
i commit myself at this very moment to build a zone not anything else but radical. i will give up my life so that the people i lead will be radical loving God. heart after Him, heart after His House, heart after His work.
my friends... if you read this, i love you all and hahaha it has been quite a race isn't it? though some have left us... i pray we stay close together. i can't wait to attend some of your weddings, your baby devotion, plan your honeymoons. hahhs yes plan your weddings (:
i pray the newer people get this inside their hearts. i pray our lives inspire many to be radical.
guys, be radical (: very very very very radical
hahhs check with your leaders what radical is hahs
May 10, 2008
agarina agarina... what are your stories all about?
Ivan 'Vern' Poh from URL @ 2:50 AM
I am missing Pastors, Charleston & Joanne. There is also Garrett & Yassy. Joanne told me that her face is disfigured & i simply replied 'that's nice'. I don't know why i did but yeah i did. She said she was being stalked by some indian guy in Korea. I honestly was quite surprised because that was really off tangent. hahhs... I don't want to start talking about Indian Guy stalking Joanne man!
Red Rain is up in 14 days, yup.. right 14 days. It feels quite fast doesn't it. Yeah it's going to be cool.
Next tuesday! i can't wait to be back playing soccer. as a matter of fact i did today & i seriously have some fitness problem to take care of.
Okay i might be just lusting over an electronic drums. I simply can't take it anymore. Everyday i enter my room, i imagine my set to be there right beneath the air-con. Aww crap... it'll happen soon. It will then be so cool with a ED in my room. I'll shift everything there including my laptop table and all and have my little command center right underneath the air-con. Cool huh? hahhs
I haven't been talking to some people for some time & it's ridiculous how things turn out when i did try to talk to them. I think i should just not talk to them you know. We have CEO as a clear example. If you are wondering, that's CEO - Calvin Lee. I saw him walk into church today in a nice shirt, nice pants and nice shoes. I thought this guy struck it rich somehow. Kidding. He told me he was working and the first thing he said really did kill the entire good intention of mine to talk you know! He said, "Barcelona how? Arsenal how? 3 players leaving... how?"
Aww my gosh and that was quite provocative. hahhs! Alright now, we are trophy-less. Give us time to breath, have our holiday, visit our families and maybe next year we play better?
Alright now... i've been asked again and again about soccer match with D ZONE. Come on man! You have to get it right hahhs! First and foremost, i need to tell my zone leaders. Muahaha. Actually i did already but i better let them know i'm serious.
Secondly.... i did not challenge d zone to a game. ah crap whoever. meet viknesh my good friend. he asked me out to play soccer, so i said okay. then somehow both us assumed that we will bring our teams to go head to head. later that team was supposedly our zones! aww crap. that will happen you know but then we never intended it to be so yeah! STOP ASKING ME! hahhs We'll chill out in June! Not now!
Calvin asked me again just now and i almost want to kick him hahhs He told me that d zone has been training, playing together, running and going to the gym. His exact words dude & crap i don't know whether to believe him or not.
Maybe we all should stop this 'find out who challenged who thing' & celebrated CEO Calvin Lee. That, i'm in. If you see CEO, give him a slap on his back & tell him we are praying hard that he has job satisfaction.
hahhs seriously just slap him on his back.
i need to work out some stuff now. and then i need to sleep.
that's all, i just needed to jab ceo (: that's what friends are for.
gdnight and have a gd weekend. rock hard
May 7, 2008
our new generation of students (:
Ivan 'Vern' Poh from URL @ 10:40 PM
this is what i've got when i was talking to Jordan Tng online. this is crazy... what has studying become?
here goes... #vernn Red Rain 2008 says (10:24 PM): Jordan! [RED RAIN !] v2.0 - Jordan † says (10:24 PM): YEAAAA! #vernn Red Rain 2008 says (10:26 PM): what you doing? [RED RAIN !] v2.0 - Jordan † says (10:26 PM): copying literature notes [RED RAIN !] v2.0 - Jordan † says (10:26 PM): sian sia ! #vernn Red Rain 2008 says (10:26 PM): why need to cop sia? [RED RAIN !] v2.0 - Jordan † says (10:27 PM): thats the only way i can memorise [RED RAIN !] v2.0 - Jordan † says (10:27 PM): i copy out the whole hist book yesterday #vernn Red Rain 2008 says (10:27 PM): hahahhahaha #vernn Red Rain 2008 says (10:27 PM): nice [RED RAIN !] v2.0 - Jordan † says (10:27 PM): the whole science for the day before [RED RAIN !] v2.0 - Jordan † says (10:27 PM): and today, literatue [RED RAIN !] v2.0 - Jordan † says (10:27 PM): literature [RED RAIN !] v2.0 - Jordan † says (10:27 PM): SIAANNNN SIA [RED RAIN !] v2.0 - Jordan † says (10:28 PM): not fun one #vernn Red Rain 2008 says (10:28 PM): hahhs #vernn Red Rain 2008 says (10:28 PM): lit is nice [RED RAIN !] v2.0 - Jordan † says (10:28 PM): no it isnt [RED RAIN !] v2.0 - Jordan † says (10:28 PM): i passed everything except lit T.T #vernn Red Rain 2008 says (10:34 PM): hahahahaha #vernn Red Rain 2008 says (10:34 PM): it's super coo la [RED RAIN !] v2.0 - Jordan † says (10:34 PM): i hate it [RED RAIN !] v2.0 - Jordan † says (10:34 PM): like memorise soooooo much things [RED RAIN !] v2.0 - Jordan † says (10:35 PM): i wanna just like open my brain and throw the worksheet in [RED RAIN !] v2.0 - Jordan † says (10:35 PM): so i could memorise it "at my fingertips" #vernn Red Rain 2008 says (10:37 PM): hahahahhaa #vernn Red Rain 2008 says (10:37 PM): joker [RED RAIN !] v2.0 - Jordan † says (10:37 PM): lit is stupiddd [RED RAIN !] v2.0 - Jordan † says (10:38 PM): i rather do x2 history [RED RAIN !] v2.0 - Jordan † says (10:38 PM): than doing lit [RED RAIN !] v2.0 - Jordan † says (10:38 PM): i rather tikam tikam than memorise sia [RED RAIN !] v2.0 - Jordan † says (10:38 PM): lit cannot tikam one -_- #vernn Red Rain 2008 says (10:39 PM): hahhs #vernn Red Rain 2008 says (10:39 PM): lit can tikam #vernn Red Rain 2008 says (10:39 PM): lit is the one that can tikam #vernn Red Rain 2008 says (10:39 PM): history is the one that cannot eh! [RED RAIN !] v2.0 - Jordan † says (10:39 PM): MAKE OWN STORYYY ARH [RED RAIN !] v2.0 - Jordan † says (10:39 PM): history can [RED RAIN !] v2.0 - Jordan † says (10:39 PM): cause history= no logic #vernn Red Rain 2008 says (10:39 PM): no!!! #vernn Red Rain 2008 says (10:39 PM): cannot facts wrong you die aready [RED RAIN !] v2.0 - Jordan † says (10:40 PM): why did gautama saddrahta go and meditate? [RED RAIN !] v2.0 - Jordan † says (10:40 PM): cause he felt tired [RED RAIN !] v2.0 - Jordan † says (10:40 PM): LOL #vernn Red Rain 2008 says (10:40 PM): hahaaha #vernn Red Rain 2008 says (10:40 PM): wahlao [RED RAIN !] v2.0 - Jordan † says (10:40 PM): and why did hinduism spread [RED RAIN !] v2.0 - Jordan † says (10:41 PM): cause it is a religion?
oh my goodness... awww this is super duper funny.
and what was it? was he talking about history or literature? Jordan Tng is the man (:
love him
albums flashing at the back of my mind
Ivan 'Vern' Poh from URL @ 12:26 AM
be it audio music albums or photography i definitely have them swimming at the back of my head. i just got home after a long day in church (: i had meetings in the morning, drums lesson, meetings, rested a while and then meeting all the way from 730 until now! it is exciting to have left the meetings with a renewed objective. i am a man on a mission now!
awww i tell you, i've been preoccupied with a few things recently and i feel as if i am going to explode. the growth will come and that's when i will explode (: well on the cab i spoke to charleston my leader and he gave me some amazing words that revolutionized my mind. it'll stay with me and with me alone aha.
this preoccupied mind keeps you desperate before God. and i just sometimes cannot stop but ask myself how many people i am leading are as desperate as me to see the church grow? this question keeps coming all back to me and i'm exploding with it right now.
the burden either kills you and discourages you or it gets you up and fighting. definitely, i'll not be the former. for goodness sake come on :p it is quite crappy you know to get beaten by a mere illusion.
time to get desperate before God. i hope you are with me and with your leaders. AND WITH PASTORS!!! we have to grow to a thousand (:
there is so many things to do! tired but very very happy. i'm already planning next week's plan in detail! i have so so so so many things to need to get accomplished. argh!!!
time lags and shifts. time in and out. you wait and i wait. 24 hrs and not 48. this is it man... i'm done. i'm pretty much stucked in 24. but yeah, everyday is precious, everyday is a day to build.
my head was spinning and suddenly it just disappeared. just like that. gtg... better bathe now and call weiling to get more things done.
alright now, this blog is going through major changes. xinjie did once and now chek yao is getting it ready for red rain. so yup... that's pretty much it. but i'll stick to the post whatever the layout and design.
awww crap... i don't mind blogging every hour just get souls saved man! now i see good photography in my mind... people getting saved.
hope you are too! i will catch up with plenty of people i want to catch up with soon. soon not now... but soon. (:
rock big and rock hard. catch you soon
May 6, 2008
so tell me which one now?
Ivan 'Vern' Poh from URL @ 11:42 AM
Mew v.s. Red Rain i've been wanting to post about red rain but i have not the time to enter here. today i have... right before set meeting to just tell you something.
behold, my favourite band.. MEW -

scandinavians... i guess we have lots of friends from scandinavia (: but for now, MEW aren't that interesting and exciting... FOR NOW. based on what we're doing recently...
from down under - RED RAIN Look at that... in 3 weeks time you'll get them live. So yeah (: it is quite going to be fun.
Chelsea & Man Utd Awww... this is it... they're in the final! Becoming less boring Chelsea and Counter Attacking Man Utd. I really do not know where i stand in this tie. As a matter of fact, i would love Man Utd to win because of all my friends here but also Chelsea to win because of Grant. He is quite an exceptional personal if you really do read about him. I think he's here in the premier league for a purpose. let me make a wild guess...
Sunday to Monday My sunday and monday was very good for me. Sunday i watched Iron Man with B3&4 and it was top notch thrilling. "The truth is... i'm iron man" Then after i came home, i really did not watch Arsenal v.s. Everton because i was distracted with other more important things. Awww... just 1 - 0 you wonder what happened to the team.
Okay now, Flamini is gone and people at Arsenal are calling him - Fla-Money. I guess they are all leaving for the gold man but then i can understand they have families and they need to progress on in their career. I just hope a takeover will come soon. Now Edelman is gone too so maybe Dein will come back and those rich billionaires can buy into Arsenal and help us keep in the Big 4.
Monday, i rested, i prayed i did my qt and i sought God for a word. It was pretty amazing... i just worshiped God and it went on and on and suddenly God told me to pick up my Bible and my Bible Commentary. It's quite sweet... As i read about David i was very touched. David was 7 things more than what i thought he was.
Then i listen to a audio sermon by Pst Phil. Later i re read what Pastor How preached during offering @ AI in 1st Kings. The entire chapter is gold. It is amazing. Then i got a word from God and i started putting it all together in 45 minutes! It is going to be awesome. I just feel so much for it.
Dozen of Things to Do There are things to be done that is not done (: I'm pretty much excited about it you know. Awww... for once, we had better do all well! Come on this week's f zone attendance must be good. F2 awww... hello!
B zone as been pretty much healthy and great. I just feel for F2. Hmmm.... So many thoughts in my mind regarding F2. So many feelings towards F2 and so many things to tell the leaders. Just listen to me will you? We need to 'chiong' already.
Aww ha... set meeting start now. goodbye for now
(: a happy cousin
Ivan 'Vern' Poh from URL @ 2:14 AM
So here it is...
Cousin, im' done with your new layout. It's abit simple, something cooler in time to come, i promise. Oh, I need to thank Lucinda on your blog as well, cos' she helped me alot with the coding, your cousin here got abit rusty with her html. Haha (:
I like the mini ipod thing alot. Too bad El-Jay (livejournal a.k.a LJ) doesnt feature this. By the way, when you go Menu to see the playlist, you click the next button... there's no scrollbar, abit irritating. Hahaha.
SO YEAH ITS DONE! My cousin rocks. w/o vern, i wont be in church mannnnnnzxzx. I need to type abit zxzxz to irritate your readers abit... Cos' they aint just use to suchzxz man. hahaha.
RED RAIN IS COMING! 3 years ago, it was through Red Rain you invited me and ... it was the best thing that ever happened (:
So, go get your cousins!!!!!!!!!
Okay, i'll end now. Your blog is very famous now... I cant post too much nonsense, I might get kicked. Hahaha :D
Here's a photo to end this entry... YOU DONT USUALLY POST PHOTOS!
Tada, and Imma' off... maybe I should.... Pop by sometime to invade again... mwahahahaaaa.
(: * Xin, with love!